Request administrative access to a chapter

Brand-new and transitioning teachers/advisors and/or alumni leaders can request administrative access to a chapter via an online application.

Want to see screenshots?

  Click HERE to view a PDF version of these instructions, which includes screenshots.

Attention Teachers/Advisors!

The following states require their teachers/advisors to contact the state FFA association to receive administrative access to a chapter: Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana and Texas. As a result, these states are not available on the online application.

Locate the Application

  1. Go to
  2. At the top, click Dashboard
  3. Select Teachers/Advisors or Alumni Members
  4. Under Quick Access, select Request Access to A Chapter

    If you are not logged in to, you will be prompted to log in.

Log in to

Already have a personal account? Great! Log in to

For system security and data privacy purposes, we do not have shared chapter logins. Each teacher/advisor and alumni leader must have his/her own personal account.

Haven’t created your personal login? No problem. Go here for instructions on how to create an account.
Did you know?

If you were a student or adult (alumni) member sometime between 2013-2014 and the current year, you can use your member FFA ID to create an login linked to your existing membership profile. Don’t know your FFA ID? Contact your state FFA association or state FFA alumni association. Or, contact National FFA at 888-332-2668, option 3, or

Provide Additional Profile Information

If you just created your login, you may be prompted to provide additional profile information before you can move forward. Enter your phone number (Home Phone or Mobile Phone) and valid Address (starting with the ZIP Code). Then, click Complete Profile

Review/Complete ALL SECTIONS of the Chapter Leader Self-Registration Form and Submit the Request

  1. For Leader Type, select Teacher/Advisor or Alumni Leader – The default is Teacher/Advisor
  2. Keep the default Membership Year, UNLESS you want your administrative access to begin on August 1 of the NEXT membership year

    Our membership year runs from August 1 thru July 31. If the default membership year is 2019-2020 and you select 2020-2021, you will not gain access to your chapter until August 1, 2020.

  3. Select your State
    Attention Teachers/Advisors!

    Teachers/Advisors from the following states cannot use this application: Arizona, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana and Texas. Please contact your state FFA association.

  4. Select your Chapter – Use the drop-down menu or just begin typing the name of your chapter
In this section, you can view your active teacher/advisor or alumni leader roles. You may need to toggle between leader types (i.e., teacher/advisor and alumni leader) to view all your active roles. If no roles are found, you do not have any active leader roles. If a role is no longer needed, click the to expire it.
Pending Request(s)
In this section, you can view your pending requests awaiting approval. If none are found, you have not submitted a request or your previous requests have been approved or canceled. If a pending request is no longer valid, click the to delete it.
Personal Information
Some fields will automatically populate with data from your profile. Review your personal information and make any necessary changes.

First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Work Phone (Teachers/Advisors) and Email Address are required by National FFA. For alumni leaders, a phone number of any type is required. Teachers/Advisors – Your state may require Mobile Phone and/or Home Phone. After submitting your request, you may be prompted to enter additional data required by your state.

Mailing Address
The primary mailing address on your profile will automatically populate here. If you have not identified a primary mailing address (on your profile), the most recently added or updated mailing address will be shown. Review your mailing address and make any necessary changes.

Mailing Address is required by National FFA.

Additional Information
Items displayed in this section depend upon the selected Leader Type (i.e., Teacher/Advisor or Alumni Leader) and State. Please provide as much information as possible.

National FFA requires teachers/advisors to answer the “Are you a former FFA member?” question. Teachers/Advisors – Your state may require other fields. After submitting your request, you may be prompted to enter additional data required by your state.

Click Submit Request and watch for a green success message at the top of the screen.

Wait for an Email

Requests must be approved at the state or local level. Please allow adequate time for your request to be received and reviewed. You should receive an email if your request was approved or disapproved. Teachers/Advisors – Your request can only be approved by your state FFA association. If a few days have passed and you haven’t received an email, contact your state FFA staff. Alumni Leaders – Your request can be approved by an active alumni leader, alumni advisor (i.e., teacher/advisor of the associated student chapter) or your state FFA alumni association. If  a few days have passed and you haven’t received an email, contact your local alumni leader/advisor or state FFA alumni staff.
Additional help: Request Administrative Access to a Chapter (PDF with screenshots)
Updated on August 14, 2023

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