Locate the Request Form
- Go to FFA.org
- At the top, click Dashboard
- Select Student Members
- Scroll down to Account Settings and click Request Membership or Renew My Membership
Log in to FFA.org
If you already have a username and password, log in to FFA.org. If you don’t have an FFA.org login, go here for instructions on how to create an FFA.org login.- If you are a returning member and renewing your membership, you will need your Invite Code or FFA ID.
- If you are new to FFA, you will not have an Invite Code or FFA ID.
Provide Additional Profile Information
If you just created your FFA.org login, you may be prompted to provide additional profile information before you can move forward. Enter your phone number (Home Phone or Mobile Phone) and valid Address (starting with the ZIP Code). Then, click Complete Profile.
Review/Complete ALL SECTIONS of the Member Self-Registration Form and Submit the Request
- Keep the default Member Type, which is Student
- Keep the default Membership Year, UNLESS you want your membership to begin on August 1 of the NEXT membership year
- Select your State
- Select your Chapter – Use the drop-down menu or just begin typing the name of your chapter
- Select a Membership Type
First-time members will not have any prior membership history in the Membership(s) section.
Returning members should see memberships from previous years in the Membership(s) section.

Personal Information
Some fields will automatically be populated with data from your profile. Review your personal information and make any necessary changes.
Mailing Address
Your primary address will automatically be populated from your profile. Review your mailing address and make any necessary changes.
Additional Information
Some fields will automatically be populated with data from your profile. Review your additional information, add missing data and make any necessary changes. Then, click Submit Request.
Watch for a green success message at the top of the page.