View your chapter invite code

In your chapter profile, you can view your chapter invite code.

A Chapter Invite Code is a distinctive code assigned to a student chapter, which may contain letters, numbers and/or characters (e.g., @, $, !, etc.) Your existing members can use a single, shared invite code to create an login linked to their membership profile. In addition, you can customize your default chapter invite code to one that can easily be remembered (e.g., school name, school mascot, etc.) If an existing member encounters a problem using the chapter invite code, he or she can still use his or her individual invite code (e.g., if you have two members with the same first and last name).

Only student chapters have chapter invite codes.


Brand new members must be added to the roster system and officially registered before they can use the chapter invite code.

Begin in your chapter profile under Profile/Membership Options.

Locate and view your chapter invite code.
  1. Select the Chapter Invite Code tab
  2. View the Invite Code

To create an login with a chapter invite code, members must enter their first name and last name, which must be spelled exactly as in the roster system.

Updated on June 25, 2021

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