Only registrations for FFA chapters can assign names from the roster system.
Users with the chapter advisor role can automatically add names from their FFA roster while completing the chapter registration process.
While registering, the screen below titled Registration Names will appear. Search for and select the names of FFA members on your roster that will attend the national convention. When you complete this step, the selected names will auto-populate to the Attendee Details grid on the next page.

Please note: Advisors can only select names from the roster system one time. After finishing this page once during the registration process, it will be no longer be available. To add additional names after this step, add them individually to the Attendee Details grid. (See: Add additional attendees to an existing registration.)
You do not have to select any names from your roster. Click the “Continue without Names” button. You can type in or copy/paste names from the Attendee Details grid on the next page.