Export membership roster

Instead of beginning with a blank roster template, you can export all your memberships from a previous membership year. Then, you can add, remove and/or update memberships. Afterward, you can import the updated roster for the current membership year. Unlike the blank national roster template, an exported roster will contain all your memberships for the selected prior membership year. As a result, you do not have to manually enter all your returning members from the previous year. However, this export does not have drop-down menus with the national-defined format for the following data points:
  • Membership Type
  • Prefix
  • Mobile Carrier Type
  • State
  • Grade
  • High School Graduation Year
  • High School Graduation Month
  • Gender
  • Race/Ethnicity
National FFA requires High School Graduation Year and High School Graduation Month for student memberships. Your state may require Gender and Race/Ethnicity for student memberships. For a successful import, be sure to use the national-defined format when entering these data points. Use Search and Advanced Search to view membership(s) from the previous membership year.
  1. Select Student or Alumni – The default is Student
  2. Click the Gray X Icon to clear the Membership Year field – The default is the current year
  3. Click the Gray Down Triangle Icon to open the Membership Year drop-down menu
  4. Select a prior Membership Year
  5. Verify your Chapter is selected – Your chapter should be the default unless you manage multiple chapters
  6. Select One Year for student memberships or Annual for alumni memberships
  7. Click Search

If your search does not produce the desired results, try narrowing or expanding your results by changing the search parameters. Example: Search for memberships in grade 12 and below.


It is unnecessary to export active, nationally approved multi-year memberships (e.g., Three Year, Four Year and Lifetime [Alumni]) as they do not need to be renewed.

With the previous year memberships identified, you can now export the memberships to a national roster template.
  1. Click Export Memberships to National Template – A Microsoft Excel file will be generated
  2. Retrieve the Microsoft Excel file – Locating the downloaded file will depend on your internet browser
Updated on July 22, 2023

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