- Click Log in or Sign Up
- Click Forgot Password
- Enter your Username – If you don’t remember it, use Forgot Username
- Enter your Email Address
- Click Submit – a one-time, Reset Password Code will be sent to your email address
- Retrieve the Reset Password Code from your email account
- Enter your Reset Password Code
- Enter your New Password and Confirm your Password
- Click Submit

After resetting your password, you should automatically be logged in to FFA.org and directed to your original destination.
Still need help?
Members: Your teacher/advisor or alumni leader has the ability to see if you have created an FFA.org login linked to your membership profile. They can also view your username, generate a temporary password and/or update your primary email address. He or she can go here for information on how to help you log in.Teacher/advisors or alumni leaders: Your state FFA contact has the ability to view your username and generate a temporary password. He or she can go here for information on how to help you log in. Once logged in, you can go to Manage My Profile (in your dashboard on FFA.org) to update your primary email address.
All others: The National FFA Membership Team may be able to help you log in after going through a brief verification process. Email loginhelp@ffa.org or call 1-888-332-2668, option 3, during normal business hours (closed noon to 1 p.m. for lunch).