Mark a member as deceased

As chapter leader, you can mark a member as deceased by accessing his or her personal profile.

Alumni - Memorial Scholarship

Prior to January 1997, the life membership policy included a memorial scholarship of $100.00 before November 1993 and $150.00 from November 1993 to December 1996.

This scholarship was to be designated by the life member to be distributed in one of three ways upon his/her death:

  1. Remain permanently in the National FFA Alumni Trust Fund
  2. Be given as a Memorial Scholarship to an FFA member in a designated FFA chapter
  3. Be given in memory as a contribution to be used to support some area of agriculture and/or agricultural education

Upon a life member’s death, notification must be submitted in writing to the National FFA Alumni & Supporters Association along with a copy of the obituary or death certificate. If the life member has a designation form on file, his/her wishes must be honored. If there is no form on file, a letter will be sent to the person/organization providing notification of death requesting a family member to make the designation.

Send questions regarding memorial scholarships to

Locate member

Use Search and Advanced Search to locate the member.
  1. Select Student or Alumni – The default is Student unless you only have Alumni responsibilities
  2. Verify the current Membership Year is selected– The default is the current year
  3. Verify your Chapter is selected – Your chapter should be the default unless you manage multiple chapters
  4. In Advanced Search, narrow your search results by one or more of the following:
    • Membership Type
    • Submission Level Status
    • FFA ID
    • First Name and Last Name – Entered either partially or completely
  5. Click Search

If your search does not produce the desired results, use the additional Search and Advanced Search filters to narrow or expand your search parameters.

Access the member’s profile

With the member located, you can now access the member’s profile.
  1. Click the member’s FFA ID – A new browser tab will open
  2. In the Member Roster Data form, click one of the following:
    • FFA ID – top right of page
    • View Full Profile – located at the bottom

Mark the member as deceased

With the member’s profile open, you can now mark the member as deceased.
  1. Go to the Account Management section
  2. Under Deceased Data, click Add
  3. If available, enter the following:
    • Informed By Name – Your name will automatically populate
    • Informed By Email
    • Informed By Phone
  4. Enter the Date of Death Required
  5. If available, import a copy of the obituary, click Browse or Choose File – Depends on your internet browser
  6. Select the member’s obituary – Must be a PDF
  7. Click Open
  8. Click Add – Watch for a green success message at the top of the screen
  9. Once finished, close the newly opened browser tabs before returning to the roster system

Additional help: Mark a member as deceased (PDF with screenshots)
Updated on July 25, 2018

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