Are you ready to submit?
Before submitting your membership(s) for state approval, review the following checklist to make sure you are ready:
- Returning memberships have been renewed
- New memberships have been added
- Duplicate memberships have been canceled [
- Memberships include national-required and state-required data points
- Membership types have been assigned in the following manner (Students):
- One Year: Grades 7 – 16 are eligible
- Three Year (optional): Grade 13 AND the member graduated during the most recent membership year (Availability is based on your state’s preference and/or your chapter’s affiliation status)
- Four Year (optional): Grades 12 (Availability is based on your state’s preference and/or your chapter’s affiliation status)
- Ag Ed Only (optional): Grades 7 – 16 are eligible (Availability is based on your chapter’s affiliation status)
You will begin in the roster system under Approve Pending Memberships.
Use Search to locate membership(s) that will be submitted for state approval.
- Select Student or Alumni – The default is Student unless you only have Alumni responsibilities
- Verify the current Membership Year is selected– The default is the current year
- Verify your Chapter is selected – Your chapter should be the default unless you manage multiple chapters
- Click Search
- Select Membership(s) to submit by one of the following methods:
- Select checkboxes to submit one or more memberships
- Click the top-left checkbox to submit all memberships on the current page
- Choose Select all ## memberships to submit all memberships on all pages – This option only appears when there are more than 20 memberships
- Click Submit Membership(s) to State
- Click OK to approve the action
Watch for the green success message at the top of the screen.
With the memberships submitted for state approval, you can proceed to Manage Batches to print the membership batch detail.
Additional help: Submit memberships for state approval and print batch detail (PDF)