Creating an login
An Invite Code is a distinctive code assigned to a membership and linked to an FFA ID. The code may contain letters, numbers and/or characters (e.g., @, $, !, etc.). This code is one of the unique identifiers a member can use to create an login linked to his or her membership profile.
Teachers/advisors and alumni leaders can find invite codes for members by following instructions found in the Find an Invite Code tutorial.
An invitation has information a member can use create an login linked to his or her membership profile, such as:
- First and last name as spelled in the roster system
- Where to start – Web page (URL)
- Chapter ID
- Invite Code
Teachers/advisors and alumni leaders can print invitations for members by following instructions found in the Create and print login invitation tutorial.
A Chapter Invite Code is a distinctive code assigned to student chapters ONLY, which may contain letters, numbers and/or characters (e.g., @, $, !, etc.) Members of a student chapter can use the same Chapter Invite Code to create an login linked to their membership profile.
Teachers/advisors can locate the chapter invite code by following the instructions found in the View your chapter invite code tutorial.
When using the chapter invite code, members must enter their first and last name (spelled exactly as on the roster) and select the correct chapter. Brand new members must be added to the roster before they can use the chapter invite code.
If an existing member encounters a problem using the chapter invite code, he or she can still use his or her individual invite code (e.g., if you have two members with the same first and last name).
An FFA ID is a unique identification number assigned to an individual profile in the National FFA database. An FFA ID can be associated with one or more roles (e.g., student, alumni, teacher/advisor, alumni leader, state staff, national staff, sponsor, etc.) However, an FFA ID can only be associated with one login.
If you are a student or alumni member, you should only have one FFA ID and that FFA ID should be linked to your current and past memberships. If you have more than one FFA ID or login, contact your teacher/advisor or alumni leader.
Teachers/advisors and alumni leaders can find their members’ FFA IDs in the roster system, under Manage Memberships.
Members: Your teacher/advisor or alumni leader has the ability to see if you have created an login linked to your membership profile. They can also view your username, generate a temporary password and/or update your primary email address. He or she can go here for information on how to help you log in.
Teacher/advisors or alumni leaders: Your state FFA contact has the ability to view your username and generate a temporary password. He or she can go here for information on how to help you log in. Once logged in, you can go to Manage My Profile (in your dashboard on to update your primary email address.
All others: The National FFA Membership Team may be able to help you log in after going through a brief verification process. Email or call 1-888-332-2668, option 3, during normal business hours.
- Go to and open the Dashboard menu
- Select the appropriate option
- Under Quick Access, choose Manage My Profile
- You may be prompted to log in
- Select the Social Media Provider(s) tab
- Click the trash can next to the social media account you want to remove
- Continue with removing the SSO application from your social media account – choose the social media provider below for specific instructions
National FFA is requesting access to the minimum amount of your data when creating the connection between Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn which includes:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your profile picture (if required by the social media provider)
However, National FFA only stores the following information from your social media provider:
- Your name
- The social media provider’s unique identifier in order to connect to your user login